Active College Cells

To develop the social responsibility, quality of leadership, to solve the problems of the students & to help the would be teachers our College has formed the following Cells.

  1. Student Welfare Cell
  2. Red Cross Cell
  3. Women Empowerment Cell
  4. Placement Cell
  5. SC/ST Cell
  6. Anti Sexual Harassment Cell
  7. Anti Raging Cell
  8. Student Guidance & Counseling Cell
  9. Student Grievance Cell
  10. Human Resource Training Cell
  11. Alumina Cell
  12. Parents Association Cell

The above cells solve the problems of the students. And it also helps the students to take the best guidance & to get the benefit of social help. And also creates awareness, Social responsibilities & Information about placements. These cells helps to develop harmonious relation or in keep touch with the parents, students & old students.

Nomination of Secretary

To develop the qualities of leadership & awareness of democracy among the would be teachers College conduct the election on democratic principles, to elect the following ministers for the students council.

  1. General Secretary
  2. Cultural Activity Secretary
  3. Sports Secretary
  4. CTC & Magazine Secretary
  5. Library Secretary
  6. Secretary for Internship in Teaching and
  7. Ladies Representative.