Vision, Mission, Objectives

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Our Vision :

To provide competent teachers to the Society with sound knowledge base, with Cross Cultural, Socially relevant and Spiritually strong individuals.

Our Mission :

The institutes quest for quality Education shall be based on integration of teaching methodology and instruction technology.
The institute shall provide emphasis on cross cultural and spiritual understanding.
The institute with its rural background, shall address on socially relevant issues.
The institution endeavors to have three major components (a) Theoretical Orientation (b) School experience and (c) Practical work. Sound exposures to all the three aspects for the preparation of competent Teacher.

Our Objective :

• To harness the teacher potential through various methods of teaching.
• To bring out teachers of Excellence, competence and responsible citizen of the country.
• To mould the teachers personality through all-round development i.e, Physical, Mental, Spiritual and Social